Searching for passive subwoofer...

I know that I can get passive one searching pro-audio shops, but is there any high-definition ones available?
The best sub I ever had was a Snell 18" sub. It needs some serious power and has a monster cabinet.
Take a look at the TBI website, they offer passive and powered subs. Good luck
I have a Snell 18", like Jab mentions. It is a beast, though, so large I'm thinking of posting it for sale. Problem is, it would have to be a pick-up because it's so large and I don't have packing. I don't think it needs as much power as Jab suggests, but it is a good one.
i'm a big fan of passive subs, which i believe have certain audible advantages incident to using the same amplification as the mains. i've had good luck finding very inexpensive units on ebay--i currently own a jamo passive, which is terrific; i've also seen old svs passives pop up occassionally, as well as polks.