Alternative Speaker Suggestions Wanted

I fell in love with Burmester's B80 Loudspeakers at the last CES show, the trouble is they are way out of my budget. I'm looking for alternative speakers that might sound similar for under 10k any suggestions would be great.

noticed your description on the home theater page and I was wondering if Dynaudio C1's would be a potential? Not heard the suggestions above. Is used an option?
Joe - I'm using a computer based source. Basically, iMac -> Sonos -> Empirical Audio reclocker -> Meridian G68. It was the addition of the reclocker that may the difference, in my setup, between shrill and smooth high frequency response. You can see more details of my setup if you click on my system.

Since we have similar taste
I'd be very courious about any opinions
you might have about speakers at CES
this year. I just don't want to overlook

Joe - Sorry for the delay in responding. Unfortunately, I didn't go to CES this year, so I won't be able to report any discoveries. If you went, I'd be interested to hear your findings.
I did go to CES this year. Allot of the manufactures were displaying there entry level products. Burmester showed the new B30 speakers 16K, they sounded excellent way better than the B25s that I've heard in the past I mean night and day; however, they were being run by 100k worth of Burmester electronics.

The Solution room sounded great being played through Magico's M5s but who has that kind of cash laying around.

Wisdom audio was showing off in-wall product that was as expensive as good floor standers but also sounded just as good as a nice full range floor stander.

Vienna Acoustics's "The Music" again on display sounded great.

Joseph Audio was showing a nice pair of speakers but at 28k I think the Burmester B30s sounded better.

Volent the chinese manufacture was showing some nice sounding speakers.

Wadia's 170iTransport sounded pretty good.

Things I wanted to see and was disappointed by were:
Naim: Ovator S-600
Morel: fat lady project
Monitor Audio: PL200

These are the things that stand out in my mind. I was going to take notes but just got caught up in the moment.