Speakes for SET amp

Just sold my Tannoy speakers and hunting for quality speakers to be matched with my mono block SET amp (211 based). I prefer floor standers with good bass impact, preferably having powered woofers built into it. New OR used up to 8K price range.
Nakonawala, have a listen to the Avantgarde-Acoustic Uno G2. They are horn speakers with a sensitivity of 104dB and have active woofers. They may just fit your bill exactly.
Nakonawala, have a listen to the Avantgarde-Acoustic Uno G2.

Hmmm, isn't that a $27K speaker? If you are getting into the realms of big German-horns don't miss Acapella for another price leap. In the two shows I've listened to both extensively I was consistently amazed by Acapella, whereas Avantgarde just didn't do it for me though the model Jtein suggests was not what I heard (I listened to the Trio and Duo models). In those cases I was far more impressed by the more modestly priced offerings from AudioKinesis and Daedalus that I've mentioned. That certainly could have been the room/systems they were each in. As we all know, those hotel show rooms leave a whole lot to be desired as far as being an agreeable acoustic space. Some systems seem to be far better at seemingly overcoming that obstacle than others, and Audiokinesis sattelite sub system was certainly among those. Two others that impressed me in that way, though not at all SET friendly (so not suggesting them to the OP), were Roger Sanders panel speakers, and those weird little toilet seat speakers that I almost entirely ignored because of their appearance...Gradient Helsinkis. Both of those seemed to completely defy the otherwise horrible rooms they were set up in, as did Duke's Audiokinesis offerings. Daedalus was in what looked to be a less challenging space, and also was a big standout for me. Anyway, I'm not suggesting you ignore the good suggestion above. Add Acapella to the list if you are going to start listening to speakers outside your budget and want to hear what great horns sound like. My own experience with horns suggests they are best with space around them to allow them to breath, and are very challenged by confined spaces. The Acapella model with a separate sub is the Triolon. I'm afraid it's also well beyond the stated budget of $8k.
Yeah you're right Jax2, they are $27k. I heard them last week driven by Audionote Meishu SET amp (Class A 9wpc). The source was an Esoteric SA-60. The sound easily trumped my current set-up of Primare I30 amp/CD31 cdp/PMC FB1i. I haven't heard Acapella, Audiokinesis or Daedalus before but if they are available in my country, I'd definitely like to hear them. It's my first foray into horn speakers. But what I heard last week made me wanna take my whole CD collection to the dealer's place and listen to them one by one. So I thought the OP might wanna hear it too.
Hi. I use silverline bolero with 2a3 push pull (not set, but less power than your 211 probably). lots of bass and fabulous highs. they have changed the newer models somewhat and suggest at least 10 watts (bolero supreme, not the new grand bolero which are big bucks). new they are out of the price range you suggested, but they come up used from time to time for about 4 ro 5K. i have bought most of my gear from an audio note dealer and can also say the audio note speakers are just plain musical (particularly if you have your corners available -- better but not necessary according to the dealer). i thought the silverlines had a bit more base.