Basis 1400 TT...

Hello all - I have owned my table for the past 15 years and need a new tonearm to replace the rb250. Trying to get some ideas of other arms that would fit. Regards.

Well, besides a few small parts that mostly don’t affect sound quality, the main difference between the top model Series Five and the budget Classic is the bridged arm yoke of the former. Some of the parts standard on the Series Five arm are offered as upgrade options (stainless steel counterweight, alloy armrest, headshell shims) on the Classic, but when you add in the cost of them, you may as well have just paid the extra (the Series Five is 625 British Pounds, the Classic 455) and gone for the S5 straightaway.

The bridged arm yoke is NOT available as an upgrade for the Classic, and if you decide you want the micrometer (invaluable for fine adjustment of VTA/SRA), it also is not offered on the Classic. It is a 220 Pound option on the Series Five, only. The prices above, incidentally, include internal wiring of litz silver.

if you decide you want the micrometer (invaluable for fine adjustment of VTA/SRA), it also is not offered on the Classic
That's not true.  It's a 90 Pound option and includes the VTA lock.

I would just opt for the Series 5, (which I did).  It's worth the extra money.  I also have a series 3 or 4, I can't remember which.

Even if you can't afford the series 5, the Classic is a hell of an arm. 
Oops, right you are Mofi! I was also mistaken about the finish---the shiny version is highly polished, not chromed. And I agree, the Classic is a ridiculous bargain of an arm---no need to feel bad if you can't afford the even better Series Five.
i know this thread is a bit old.
i have a 1400 with RB300 arm and some AJ wiring modifications on the way with a Benz Glider.

my plan is listen first but long term I know I will chamge the arm..

what did the Op end up doing ?
I am leaning to the appropriate Vector arm that fits but would love to get aTriplaner...if it fit ????

this vinyl addiction is throwing me off my a good way..ha

i should mention a ginko base and a Croft RIAA-R are in the chain into a REF5 se
Just get the Vector. It is a drop in replacement, and sounds fantastic. You will be very happy with the upgrade from the Rega. Make sure you get the correct Vector arm. I think you need a low cup height, but confirm with Basis to be sure.

Best Regards,

Jim Perry