Matching a McIntosh 275 amp +C50 Pre-Amp +B&W 804D3's w/ spkr cable Transparent?

I'd appreciate any/all opinion on help with identifying if/where there is a gap in my system that doesn't align with other component quality/value... Current set-up:

Front End:  
  • VPI Prime Turntable w/ Ortofon Cadenza Red Cartridge w/ AQ Water interconnects
  • Auralic Aries Mini Streamer to Tidal HiFi w/ Transparent Cable High Performance 75 ohm Digital Link
McIntosh C50 Pre-Amp w/ AQ Water XLR balanced interconnnects to...
McIntosh 275 Tube Amp
Nordost Blue Heaven LS Ribbon speaker cable

New pair of B&W 804 D3's

REL T5 Subwoofer

Furman Elite 1500 Power Conditioner

15 years ago I was a big Transparent Audio cable guy, and I am one of those that thinks it is more than Ohm's law when it comes to cables (Blinded A --> B testing sold me).  For a some reason, I morphed to AQ and Nordost.

My next potential move was to replace the Nordost Blue Heaven's with something in the Transparent line


ULTRA Speaker Cable
SUPER Speaker Cable
PLUS Speaker Cable

And was hoping to get some advice on what would best align with my system.  Transparent guy said SUPER's but wanted to see other's thoughts on Transparent or other speaker cables to test drive.

(My ear finds the AQ's tend to mute the entire range a bit - others may love them - all good, just my ears).

If you are so inclined to comment... I'm currently running OEM power to all devices and test drove the Shunyata Research Venom 3's and was disappointed.  Was thinking of the Pangea Audio AC 9SE MKII Signature Power Cable for Amp/Line Conditioner/Sub and the 14's for Pre-Amp/VPI.

A lot here, appreciate any thoughts...

**Purist Audio Design dealer disclaimer**

Just installed some Purist Venustas Luminist bi-wire speaker cable for a customer with 804D2s.  "I can't believe how open, detailed, and fulfilling these speakers now sound" was the customers first impression...

Purist has been building the finest cables on earth for over 30 years, I would include them in your cable evaluations.

I run Straightwire Crescendo III balanced interconnects and speaker wire for my Mac system (MC275 Mk VI, C1100, MCD550) to KEF Ref 5 speakers.  This setup is so transparent (for lack of a better adjective) that it reveals everything on an LP or CD, good and bad. 

The best power cord I have encountered is the Clarus Crimson (HC for amp and standard for preamp).  I also use a Kimber Kable PK14 Palladian on my CD player and the background is dead silent.

I sold my Transparent Ultra mm2 balanced IC’s to go to Nordost Tyr series 1 one when they where blowing them out to make room for the new 2 series. The Tyr worked much better as far as the interconnects go, but when comparing the Tyr speaker wire to Ultra MM2 speaker wire it was too close to call, and not worth the money to switch.

Are you looking at used Ultra? I’d go with at least the MM2.