who likes the new changes of how you view the categories on this site ?

do you like the new or old way of viewing the categories on this site ?

separate the dealers from the rest tired of looking at 80% dealer adds and a few other sellers left. hell limit them too, just try looking at the tube integrated pages its all one dealer/brand ok exaggeration, but really too much. suppose they pay the fees more reg. 

 I usually also check USaudiomart, canuk audiomart, uk audiomart group.  

Post removed 
@Audiogon, here is another person complaining. The old way to view Categories was more organised and efficient.

Wow, a 3 line comment from ebm. Somebody struck a nerve.
+1 to everything above. 

@ebm should be appointed dealer ad editor! Cheers,
Wow I got removed because I really had to use different word.
I'll choose to use word amus instead so here's the old lady story:

An old lady went to doctor visit and complains"

-- Doctor, Yesterday I went to toilet and quarters came out of my amus.
-- Don't worry dear, you're just going though change!