Marantz SR-9600

Does anybody have any comments on this unit? I haven't seen any reviews but am considering it to replace my SR-9300.

I use external monoblock amplifiers for my front left and right channels so would be particularly interested in comments on the quality of the analogue preamp section for two-channel stereo.

Yo, I also have a 9300---I also use external amps for the front. I'm not read-up on whatever differences the new 9600 has; but (me) I wouldn't spend a dime / not to mention how much you would lose selling your 93'/ just getting a few more features.---Saving for seprates seems to make more "cents"/4me.
Thanks for the response. Separates would undoubtedly be a better way to go but I do have an issue with space. Also, I've found it hard to find separates that meet my needs quite so well, especially for running 'zone 2' speakers (I have outdoor speakers I run from the receiver).

As well as the additional features of the sr-9600 (lip synch, dolby headphone etc) I'm particularly interested in the HDAM-2 output modules on the 9600, which are used in all Marantz high-end disc players. In contrast, I believe the 9300 uses fairly cheap op-amps. This could conceivably make the 9600 a better sounding preamp for use with external power amps?
It has been quite a while since you started this thread so I am curious if you ever did the move to the SR9600? I am also contemplating this to use the processor part of the SR9600. I am also intrigued by their HDAM use. I currently own Parasound JC-1 monoblocks and an ATI 6-channel amp for the surrounds and sub. My processor is a Bryston Sp1.7. I am pleased with the sound but I wish to go the direct digital route to see if the SACD and DVD-A sound thru the firewire is improved over my analog playback of my Sony XA-777ES SACD player. I would use a Yamaha S2500 which has firewire. I also have a HD DVD player and would like to take advantage of the sound thru HDMI (Dolby HD.) Any response would be appreciated.