Luxman L-509X

Any A'Gon readers from Japan listened to this new integrated? The specs and description seems like it could be an incredible piece. Though likely dependent on how good the pre-amp stage sounds. The amp section is supposed to be similar to the great sounding m700u stereo amp.

Excel Audio in Newport Beach is supposed to have one in a week or two. I hope to hear it soon. Very beautiful to look upon and hoping it sounds just as good.
Newport is a bit of a hike for me given my current workload. I hope you can give some feedback from your listening session.
I had the opportunity to audition one. It’s a gorgeous unit, exudes class in its build and sound. So versatile, 3 different sound presentations, straight thru, tone control engaged and loudness engaged.  I liked using each one at different sound levels. At low volumes the loudness option really helps with a boost in bass and treble.  It had more than enough power to run Magico S3Mk2 without breaking a sweat!  the fact that it has bass, mid and treble tone controls really would help out tailoring problem rooms
  It’s also the coolest temperature wise of any of the integrated amps I have tried, barely getting warm to the touch.  In fact my Chord Dave Dac gets hotter than it does.

I really like the idea of tone controls and a loudness control. I sometimes listen late at night while my toddler is asleep and it is sometimes difficult to get the desired volume.  My office is also not that big so the tone controls would help out a lot. Interesting that it worked well with the Magico S3Mk2.

"the fact that it has bass, mid and treble tone controls really would help out tailoring problem rooms" I am lost on this comment since my brochure shows only bass and treble tone controls. Can you explain for me? 

My dealer has this unit in stock and just burned in. Hoping to hear it soon.