What's happened to the used high end market recently?? Sales are tough....:0(

The heading says it all!! What do you guys think is the reason that the sales in the used high end market have gone soft??
Prices too high? Economy too slow?? Stock market too volatile?? Something else??

Millennials. I don't think many of them buy new or used HEA. The older generation audiophiles are dying off. Most of the younger generation I talk to have little to no interest in HEA. They like music mostly of the portable variety and seem to listen more as a distraction than anything else. I do believe there are a few younger ones out there that like HEA, but no where near enough to support the hobby. JMHO.
High end audio may also have a bit of a credibility problem especially with newbies given some of the nonsense that goes around in forums like this.  This can't help. 
mapman, are you wearing your “engineer’s” hat  when you make that statement? I’m sure the newbies are eternally grateful for your diligence and watchfulness. 🤡