From Four 12 inch Woofers To Eight 12 inch Woofers, Will I Get Deeper Bass Or More Bass?

I have a pair of speakers that have two 12 inch woofers per speaker.  That pair of speakers are wired in a veritcal bi-amp config with 4 monoblocs.   I want to add another pair of those same speakers as fronts, but only power the woofers in the second pair with another pair of monoblocs.  The mid-range and highs will not be connected in the second pair of speakers.

The speakers with a total of four 12 inch woofers go down to 29 hz.  By adding an additional four woofers for a total of eight 12 inch woofers, will I get deeper bass, or just more bass?

This is the pair of speakers that I will be using...(or two pairs)

These are the specs for these speakers.

This is my room.
Just more bass! Not any lower! Eight 12's? Sell those hard-to-drive Kappas and get a pair of nicely restored Bozak Concert Grands - each has four 12's - total of 8 per pair! Rudy Bozak made some of the best speakers of the 50's and 60's! A man ahead of his time!
Very sweet speakers - mitch4t
You will achieve more Bass by adding the additional (4) woofers. Are you still using Pass Labs power amps? These speakers crave high power and higher current reserves to reach their peak performance.
Happy Listening!
Those 2000uF NPE caps prevented the bass go lower, additional woofers will give you more bass but won't help much to get lower.

You can use a class d pro amp with active crossover to low pass at 80Hz or lower, directly power the additional woofers (bypass the passive crossover) to get deeper bass.