Using a 100 Volt amp on our 120 volt power line ?

There is a gentleman selling a high end Onkyo integrated amp on another site, which is a Japanese model, to be operated at 100 volts. He has been using it here in the states for 6 months ( without a step down transformer ), claiming no problems exist, and that it sounds wonderful. He does say in the ad that although he has had success with a few Japanese, 100 volt units, powered by our 120 voltage, he recommends the buyer to use a step down transformer ( he explained, to protect himself if a problem arose ). I guess my question is : Can this work without causing a problem to the amplifier, or cause a fire ? Enjoy ! MrD.
They have 120V to 100V converter transformers on eBay. I also recommend usage of one - 120V is too high for a 100V device, especially on a power amplifier - it'll run rather hot.
Look up the given model on hifiengine. The tech manual will generally have the transformer schematics for the different regions.

Some models from some companies come with universal transformers, where the taps on the transformer only need to be swapped, and some come with transformers that cannot be re-wired.

With those (not re-wirable) you should use the appropriate step transformer.

Besides, you get notably better sonic qualities with a transformer in the system on the AC side.

Being forced to use a Step up or step down transformer is like being forced to have higher quality sound.

’tis a ’orrible thing. No one would want it. Better quality sound. Bah!
Actually there is a good chance that the amp is already degraded by 
running it at 120 volts.