Rogue Atlas Magnum sounds bright -- any recommendations?

Gents, I need some help here.  I am making a move back to a tube amp, in place of my McCormack DNA .05.  I just acquired a early version of the Atlas Magnum with KT90's and it sounds excessively bright to my ears.  It has stock tubes.  I have a Don Sachs preamp driving my Spatial Audio M4 Triode Masters.  

I need to tame this brightness to better enjoy this amp.  Thanks for any input you can provide.   
Any particular reason you're taking the DNA .05 out of your system?  As SS amps go, the .05 was well regarded for being a smooth performer rendering fine detail.

If you really want to max. out the .05 you could call Steve McCormack at SMc Audio to see what he could do to update it.  I recently had my DNA-1 upgraded to Gold Special status and it is fabulous.  Not a lot of 💵 for the extensive upgrade.
Both the Atlas Magnum with KT120 or the earlier review with EL34 had High frequency problems as far as bench tests went. Maybe your hearing this.

" Though I must admit to some disappointment with the amplifier’s lack of high-frequency linearity, in this respect it is no worse than the original EL34-equipped Atlas"

" I wonder why a touch more negative feedback was not used to make the high-frequency performance more linear"

Cheers George
As Ralph Karsten (atmasphere) has been saying, distortion is perceived as tonality. Less high frequency distortion = less brightness.

Less high frequency distortion = less brightness.

Correct more air and transparency. This goes for the tweeters also.

Have you ever heard a plasma tweeter? The least distortion of any HF driver, because the plasma flame is the diaphragm and it has no mass, the highs just dance in front of you in 3d space, like fireflies that you reach out and touch. next in line are ESL’s and then so-on down the line.

Cheers George