Spam threads gone wild...

Hey moderators...There are exactly 20 spam threads right now. How about paying some attention to keeping these off the forums instead of censoring every harmless word that I say? 
And for us actual users... Yesterday I posted a new thread. The powers that be popped up a "I AM NOT A ROBOT" screen. click OK do the pick out the cars;. OK. Well my mistake I go back in to clean up spelling,, Second time 'pick the stoplights' well are just the poles stoplights>?So then I get barraged with six more sets.. When it was buses I guess I picked a truck The pictures can be tiny, and BLURRY! I tell you big mistake to expect old farts like me to pick out tiny images...                  
My suggestion would be to allow the regulars.. anyone with say over 300 posts to just post! The I AM NOT A ROBOT is not working very well.
Appreciate the comments and feedback about the Spam.
Trust me, we are very aware of it and am looking at steps to stop it completely. This will not happen overnight, but we are getting closer to a solution. 
Getting rid of the spam would be great, but don't let it get in the way of deleting rozy54's harmless posts whenever possible.
I just had a thought - that the spam may turn out to be a good thing. Any thread with the title magic or voodoo in it is likely to get deleted. We walk a narrow path here at the 'Gon. :)
Warning to manufacturers- do not call your latest product "love potion."