oppo bdp-83se vs oppo bdp-83


Right now I am running a Pioneer BDP-05 Blu-Ray Elite.. sound is pretty alright getting losless Dolby TRUHD and DTS HD MASTER and other losless formats pcm etc on movies and music concert discs .. i amrunning thru a Yamaha rx-v2700 reciever.. and i am running a Oppo 980h SACD/DVD/CD player for the SACD/DVD-AUDIO/DVD section (i am using a Arcam cd 73 with kimber pbj for CD)... THE pioneer blu-ray and oppo 980 are using hdmi .. now i am thinking of getting either the bdp-83 or se to get faster blu-ray speed.. a little better video picture, and (possibly) better sound.. now i know if i get the bdp-83 i use the burr-brown DACS in my Yammie and if i get the SE i use the SE's DAC'S which i would imagine are worlds better than my yamaha 2700
I have read alot of threads on here and elsewhere.. having a hard time deciding which will be better.. I would think the SE with the analog outs would be much better DAC'S that are in my Yamaha but the bass mamangement has me concerned... I would be using Kimber PBJ's for the analog out's.. I would use it mostly for Blu-ray mult channel soundtracks and music concerts along with sacd's and dvd-audio's.. I already have an arcam for redbook.. any suggestions would be appreciated,,,, thanks
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What I was along if anyone had any suggestions as to what I should do...oppo bdp 83 or the se ..I know the se dacs are. superior but I am concerned about the bass management etc...
Do you know your bass management and level/delay needs? Does the Oppo meet them? That ain't a matter of opinion.
