Oppo 95 with DVDO iScan Duo

To avoid using an HDMI switch I'd like to take the HDMI output of my Oppo 95 through my DVDO iScan Duo to my Cary Cinema 11a. The video from the Cary goes directly to a Sony VPL-50 projecting onto a 100" screen. Are there any known problems with such a link? The iScan Duo is currently handling only output from a DirecTV HD-DVR.

IIRC, the iScan Duo can pass DSD audio, although I use balanced analog stereo and 7.1 analog audio from the Oppo to Cary inputs set to bypass.
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I connect all my sources through my iScan Duo and have no problems with either of my display devices. As a matter of fact the iScan also has Lip sync to 200MS. When my Meridian will not correct the lip sync through the direct digital audio input from any of my devices I switch to the iScan input and adjust. Works great. It even cleans up computer images & videos, not perfect but much better than the original images.
When I connected the Oppo 95 to the iScan Duo, video and audio of the HD-DVR crashed and neither video nor audio came up for the Oppo. I powered down and disconnected everything, reset the iScan menu, and reconnected the HD-DVR, and that restored video and audio for the HD-DVR. Emboldened, I connected the Oppo, and again that crashed everything. I'm at a loss.

I had a similar problem trying to sinc my 95 to my iScan. Every time I connected to my iScan it shutdown.
Try output 2 and if it works call Oppo for a RMA to get it output 1 repaired