Empirical Audio modded DAC1 initial impressions

Hi everyone. I browse here occasionally and spend some time at head-fi. I have read some posts here on Empirical Audio when I was considering upgrading my DAC1. I ended up going with the turbomod done by Steve at Empirical Audio. I just got my unit in last night and wanted to share my initial impressions.

I have only spent about an hour with it, so these are very initial impressions only. I also have an un-modded DAC1 that I have been using while my other was being modded by Steve, so the sound of the un-modded unit is fresh in my mind. Also, please note that I'm using an unmodded Marantz cd5400 as a transport. I am using the RCA outs to a Singlepower MPX3 headphone amp which is driving a set of Sennheiser 650 headphones. Basically, I noticed an immediate improvement in overall sound quality. The two most noticable areas were an increase in level of detail, especially in the mids and highs as well as a markedly increased sense of 'air' around the notes. The combination of these two factors really takes the sound of my setup to a whole new level. I once again found myself dragging out discs I haven't played in a while and hearing things that I had not heard before. And this is with no burn-in time on the unit as well as using the unbalanced RCA outs. Steve says the XLR outs are even better, so I can't wait to try those. Overall, I've only listened for a short time but my initial impression is very positive and I already feel that the upgrades were worth it. I listened to my unmodded DAC1 before plugging in the modded one, and there is definitely quite a difference. Hope this helps anyone considering this mod. I will post more impressions once I get more time with the unit.
from www.empiricalaudio.com:

Turbomod - $1050

Option 1: Dual op-amp replacement (exc. headphone out) - $300

Option 2: Pulse Transformer upgrade - $150

Option 3: Knob volume control/headphone output mods - $100

Option 4: Superturboclock3 upgrade - $550
Some of what you describe is definitely the Super Clock 3s doing. It really opens the sound up on some of these units..no doubt about it.

Have fun!