Isolation device under Ayre CX-7e?

I was wondering if anyone places the isolation device such as Vibrapod or maple wood board under Ayre CX-7e? What's your opinion?

I put my CX-7e on top of a maple wood board and then on top of 4 Vibrapod last night. THe soundstage was bigger, but the high is kind of echoeing. When i took them out, then the sound is clearer but soundstage was smaller. I just want to get some opinions or suggestions from experts here.

Thanks for reading.

Ayre recomment:
Ayre Myrtle Wood Blocks

The Arye cd-player is heavy on the left side Ayre recomments to blocks under the tranformer (the heavy side)

Buy a gravestone put 3 sorbortane feet on it, to at front, one at the end and then put the Arye cd-player on it. The soundstage Will be very big, the dynamik too.

Take the led of it´s alu, it´s rings, buy sorbortane plates put them inside the led, sides, button.

Hvu, You can compare the use of Herbie's footers in two different ways, first directly between the Ayre CX-7e and your maple board base, and second under the maple wood base.
I think directly under the component can be the most neutral, allowing a component to be at its best.
Incidentally, I have found that placing one or more Cardas/Ayre Myrtle Wood Blocks on top of a component, especially the wooden plinth of a turntable, can fine tune the sound separately from the overall benefit of any footers.
With any support method, there can be an adjustment period of minutes to hours before the completed benefit, or effect, upon a component is audible. This endpoint is when there is a sense of ease or rightness to the sound, without any listener fatigue.
try sound fusion sound boosters. i reviewed this product on the website . check the archive section.
I actually order Tenderfoot from Let wait and see if it will help anything. Since it has 90-days trial, i'll try it. If it does not work,i'll return the stuff and get Myrtle block.

How many block do you think i should get? I think the set is 3 blocks. I don't want to remove the foot from CDP,by the way.

I recognize the CX-7e is heavy in one side.
Another notice that Cardas/Ayre Myrtle Wood Blocks sold in set of 3 blocks. Why not 4? I think 4 blocks under CDP will be more stable than 3 . However, i think Ayre or Cardas has reason behind it.
