Is berkeley dac as good as absolute sound review?

in the absolute sound robert harley said that this is the best dac he has ever had.
No he might not, but he would not have bought it at all if he did not like it, he gets the opportunity to buy most anything at 50% off, but he does not in fact do so, only the stuff he actually likes. He passes up many opportunities in the course of his job, and some he does not pass up, those are the ones that he actually likes, and therefore in buying them it is meaningful as an aside to the review.
Nicotico, It's implied the unit is a great deal at the retail price. AGAIN, it's just another way to strongly endorsing and recommending the product. It's very simple and you are making it much much ... more complicated. Now I understand why the US constitution is only 1 page long and Obama Health care bill is 2k or 20k pages long fill with mumble jumbo that noone understands or have read before voting into law ... and can't forget the stimulus bill too.
I never said that buying the unit was not an (effective) endorsement. All I'm saying is that the notion that price doesn't play any factor whatsoever is absurd.
It is not just an endorsement, it is a genuine act by the reviewer - he could, if he chose, by many, many things at 50% off, but he doesn't, and when he does buy something, it is telling; now if you choose to dismiss that, well so be it; I find it meaningful, you do not - so be it. It is turning into a dead horse --- but yes, the B DAC is worthy of audition and just might be better sounding than a Bryston CD player, though I would listen to both before making any conclusions. I suspect a blind A/B would speak well for the Bryston.
Don't put words in my mouth. I may or may not find it meaningful. To what degree I find it meaningful would be influenced by what he paid for it.