Is berkeley dac as good as absolute sound review?

in the absolute sound robert harley said that this is the best dac he has ever had.
I never said that buying the unit was not an (effective) endorsement. All I'm saying is that the notion that price doesn't play any factor whatsoever is absurd.
It is not just an endorsement, it is a genuine act by the reviewer - he could, if he chose, by many, many things at 50% off, but he doesn't, and when he does buy something, it is telling; now if you choose to dismiss that, well so be it; I find it meaningful, you do not - so be it. It is turning into a dead horse --- but yes, the B DAC is worthy of audition and just might be better sounding than a Bryston CD player, though I would listen to both before making any conclusions. I suspect a blind A/B would speak well for the Bryston.
Don't put words in my mouth. I may or may not find it meaningful. To what degree I find it meaningful would be influenced by what he paid for it.
Purchasing decision is based soley on performance and NOT because it's a great deal. Not the other way around which is a VERY VERY important distinction.
If you don't find it meaningful, than don't - but it is meaningful to me since buying something has meaning to me, especially when I have the opportunity to buy anything and from that I choose to buy something in particular. Perhaps reviewers function differently, but I doubt it. Unless they are buying at a discount to sell at a profit, but I suspect that is not their motive, no, they may actually like the piece of gear, and happy to have gotten a good price on it, or they could just buy it used on Audiogon. I do agree though, that if he paid $10 for a $5000 DAC it might questionable, but I suspect they are getting a wholesale price, nice savings, but not a giveaway either.