Wadia ITransport

Just purchased Wadia IPod dock for use with my IPod Touch. I am using Canare 75ohm cable as an interface with my Cambridge 840C AZURE CD player. Reading reviews about the IDock and importing Apple Lossless files, I noticed a difference (small)but noteworthy, where the Dock seems a bit compressed and lacking the resolution and dynamics when compared to the CD. I'm not quite sure, but I thought I remembered with lossless files, the Dock could actually sound better than the CD.

Thank you, I look forward to your thoughts and comments.
Dear Neal,

Though not broken in yet, I purchased a high quality PC that had the same termination configuration that plugged directly into the power supply, (no adapters required). I can tell you i was not expecting much, boy I was wrong. The new PC cable made a significant difference. Lastly, as I mentioned, it is clear i need a higher quality interface cable. I found my old Canare to emit noise. I installed chokes at each end of my current old Canare cable while waiting for two new cables. The noise imposed on my tuner has been eliminated due to the chokes, however, little impact with the sound from the dock. It will be interesting to try the new cables as I am sure this is where the opportunity lies. Thanks! the power cable made a notable difference! Rpg

Good work. Curious which high grade PC you have which has two-pin connector.

Now on to better digicable and you'll be good to go.


The power cable I purchased is from Audioquest. They have two cables with the exact configuration required for the power supply. The cables are the NRG-1 and NRG-1.5.

Thanks again for your suggestions, I'm getting closer.

which PC did you buy? NRG 1 or NRG 1.5? awesome that it made such a difference!