Most underrated Audio Manufacturers

Some know you can spend $$$$$$$ for some components and at the end of the day they are sonically not really better than those for 1/10 of the price to others. Well, some sleep well owning those because they have the "test review" under their pillow, some loose the marketing battle but try to push the sonic curtain. What components are among that group in your opinion?
My choice
Preamp: Lamm LL2
Amp: Atma-Sphere
Cables: Signal Cable Silver Resolution
Turntable: Townshend Rock
Phonostage: Manley Chinook
Arm: Rega 300 with Incognito rewire
Speaker: Reference 3A
In my opinion several of your choices are not at all underated but get the recognition they rightfully deserve, at least by those in the "know". They would include Lamm, Atma-Sphere, Reference 3A and the Rega 300 of the products I've heard, owned or am familiar with.

I am currently listening to the latest version of the DeCapo speakers and find them uniquely special, independent of any review I read years ago when they created quite a buzz. The Atmas-phere is consistently regarded as SOTA and rightfully so. Does amplification really surpass their level of excellence for all genres of music? I don't believe it does. That Rega arm has been around forever and is just a classic.

I would only add the Berning zh270. I own the amp (12 years and running) but what is more telling is that I appreciate it more the longer I own it. A tremendous value during it's run and when matched with the right speakers I would consider it a timeless performer along with being a simply brilliant design. Maybe superceded by David's latest offerings, at much higher prices. One thing is certain, guys like Ralph Karsten and David Berning don't market "improvements" they deliver on them.