Deliciously musical...Mytek DSD 192 DAC

I have been searching for a musically engaging DAC and have been lucky to do an extended home demo of a few respected and well reviewed brands eg NAD 51, Playback Designs 3. Somehow either because the units were not fully broken in or lack of synergy with my system, none of the units ,including a Korean brand , floated my boat.
This weekend after much persuasion and repeated phone calls I managed to track Michal, the owner of Mytek in Brooklyn. He was kind enough to instal the Mytek drivers on my Mac. Have only used the headphone amp on the Dac with a pair of Grado cans but my initial impression is Wow...this sounds really good. I am using the same Hi Res HD Tracks on my MacAir. Tracks that sounded positively digital and metallic eg The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame are not just listenable but musically engaging and fun. Ditto for Melody Gardot, Aretha Franklin and a series of Mozart violin concertos featuring Salvatore Accardo is positively stunning.
If you are in the market for a Dac that does DSD, has a headphone amp, a host of features including a preamp, do yourself a favor and audition the Mytek. IMHO it is way better than Dacs costing $$$$$ more.Its that good.
Happy listening
Pradeep... when you get around to hearing DSD on this DAC your going to be significantly more impressed.
Sure except the DSD Mahler Symphony 1 from Blue Coast records is USD 50 a pop ! Entirely agree that DSD sounds great but my experience is limited to a few free downloads. Hopefully HD Tracks will include DSD in its repertoire some day. The Mytek is a great DAC and the DSD a free bonus.
So you thought the NAD M51 was not as good as the Mytek? Or is this this because of DSD capabilities?
Same question as Kclone. The NAD N51 and the Mytek are on my short list and a direct comparison would be useful, especially for non-DSD material. Thanks.