Best Minimalist DAC?

ooking for a very simple, clean, DAC, best possible SQ, without the bells and whistles, to mate with my MACBOOK "server."

I run an integrated (PASS INT30A), so I don't need the preamp or the rest of the "functionality" of my PSA PWD, which I am moving on from.

I have in mind something very straightforward, like the HRT Streamers, but am willing to spend more for SQ, since this is for my main rig.

How much more not yet determined, but let's say a rough ceiling of 2000 USD, with the possibility of going higher for good sonic reason. Happy to spend less, of course. Used is fine.

Capability for latest high-rez formats desirable, though this is not yet a big part of my audio life.

Thanks for your time.

I agree with Zman. The Bi-Frost doesn't do DSD, but you can add a Loki for $149. GREAT combo for the bucks.
iFi Micro iDSD for $500.00 is an awesome little dac that doubles as a smokin' headphone amp. It handles all digital formats from PCM to DSD.

Worth a look!
Lampi Amber dac
Ayre Qb9 Dac
Chord 2Qute
BMC Pure Dac
Hegel HD12
Bottlehead Dac (no DSD)
I have no complaints with my China made Maverick. It has dual solid state and tube outputs for personal preference.