How accurate is the Geo-Disc cartridge alignment ?

I used the Geo-Disc to align my 12 inch arm and it seemed that the music sounded sweeter and lesser surface noise comparing to the SME template.
I used my SME (V) template for years (15) but felt I was missing something, so when I recently got a new Transfiguration Temper W, I decided to invest in the (tried and true) DB alignment protractor. What a difference!

Adios SME.

Short of a Wally Tractor, you can't go wrong with the protractor from Turntable Basics.

As an aside (and to lure Doug Deacon into the fray), Tri Mai at Triplanar specifies the same protractor which he gives away with his tonearms.

I'd prefer that the scribed lines would be a touch narrower (as they are with my unobtanium mirrored protractor), but at least this protractor is mirrored.

Then again, Frank Shröder uses a piece of card stock.

In the end, it's as much the craftsman as it is the tool.

Thom @ Galibier
Good points Thom. There are lots of options out there. I have used a Geodisc and a Dennesen in the past. Both have positives and negatives.

As for the Wally Tractor, while I believe it is a great tool, the problem with it for me is Wally's turnaround time. It's been two months since I ordered mine and I still haven't received it. The Turntable Basics model is looking better every day at this point.