JMW9 setup tracking problems... need help

After almost 20 years I decided to return to analog. Looking for a good TT, found here in Audiogon a VPI Super scoutmaster with JMW9 arm in perfect condition and decide to buy it. I follow all the setup procedure: first level the turntable; then lower to arm until is parallel with the plate (to get that I had to lower the arm up to its lowest point); use an arm load meter to set up the traking force(I use a Denon 103R cartridge at 2.88g; little bit high of its higher set up of 2.8g); and rotate the counterweight to get perfect lateral balance; and finally I use the alignment jig to setup the perfect placement of the cartridge in the headshell. Everything looks OK but each time that I try to play a record the stylus runs across the vinyl and jumps half a song or more and sounds are sometimes (not always) intermitent. In inner grooves stylus track better b ut not perfect.
Maybe this is a silly question but dont know what else to try (I recheck everyhting and all looks ok) and VPI is not open until the 7th and will love to spend this holidays enjoying this grate TT. Thanks in advance
One other thing-be sure the wires connected to the cart are tucked up into the headshell well enough to clear the vinyl.
First of all, I found that the wire was heavly twisted and as a first step I untwist the cable to the point that each wire goes individualy, and the connector is not receiving any forze to any side. I have played a record again and problem persist, the only difference is that now the problem is confined just to the first 1/5 of the record, the rest seems to track OK but dosent sounds clean.

I've tried that and yes, if I push the arm outwards to the edge of the platter it returns fast so looks like all is normal here.

I have the 3grams headshell weight that VPI sells, do you consider that I have to add that? looks like the arm doesnt need it, the counterwheight is in the middle when I set up this cartridge.

Any other ideas? thanks
Can't find in the VPI Industries page who represents them in my area (Miami, FL.) so if someone knows that information, please let me know. Thanks
I just redo all the setup and now is working (I must have done somehting wrong the first time but dont know what was); will try it today and hope will have no more issues. Thanks to all for your help and if I have more problems will post them here. Again, thanks for your interest and Happy 2009 !!