Is the KAB Fluid Damper worth it if...

...that is the only mod you purchase for a technics 1210? My setup will consist of a 3" maple platform with brass footers replacing the existing ones. I really don't think I could do the rewire myself, and I don't really want to send my turntable into KAB. With just the purchase of the damper would this rig be able to get the most out of higher end cartridges?--Cheers
Are you still considering the KAB fluid damper? If so, I'll be buying one and posting before/after audio samples here in the next 2 or 3 weeks. Just FYI.
103 fans may want to try the 103sa. I'm still running mine in, but so far, it has quite a bit more in the mids to highs. Frequency range is rated from 20Hz - 45kHz in the documentation. What I am hearing is much more richness in the mids and highs.

And ever since I tried UWE's wood body for my old 103r, I would never go back to the stock plastic body. I have the 103sa in an ebony body now.

Based on my experiences with a 103, 103r and 103sa:

103 - excellent cartridge
103r - extended highs over the 103
103sa - far more extension over the 103 with added richness

I have not done a side by side comparison.

I am in line for the KAB fluid damper. Can't wait to get that installed. I have the SL1210MG5 and I can say that the wire that comes with that model is very very good.
The KAB Electro-Acoustic TD-1200 Tonearm Fluid Damping System is one of the last KAB mods I have left to try. I think the Record Clamp is the only one I'm missing.

Is the TD-1200 worth it? With out question. This is a very impressive modification to the stock tonearm on the SL1210M5G. I have to give Kevin utmost respect and credit for his line of modifications to the Technics 12xx turntable. His designs are elegant and simple to install and they definitely are educational.

The Fluid Damping System brings coherency to the for-front for benefits to my system now. Sounds are now fully flushed out and filled where before they were somewhat hollow. From the bottom up to the top, the lows to the highs are now fully fleshed out with body, very nice. I have a Graham Phantom I've been thinking about mounting, but I've lost a little motivation now, I don't know, I may get to it soon. But the Technics 12xx is seriously ready for enjoyment.
Might be a silly question but does the dampen help lower the noise floor on this tt because i like the sound of the tt but the noise floor even with a nice benz micro ace is too high for this analog newbie but grizzled digital vet!


" noise floor is too high for this analog newbie but grizzled digital vet!"

Damper might help.. but unless your cleaning and treating with good wet/vac solutions on your vinyl media it will never improve to that extent, clean and it will.