Music Culture mc 501A Dual CD and USB player

I've researched this unit on the internet and the Audiogon site but Im looking for first hand information either positive or negative from Audiogon members. Your thoughts please regarding Music Culture mc 501A Dual CD and USB player?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xlak
I received the MC 501A today.
It and the remote are solid, sexy, and built like a tank.
Sounded like my MBL 1531 CDP which was/is no slouch!
Without listening to the MBL vs MC 501A (MBL is in for repairs) side by side I have no idea what the differences are? I'm very pleased with the MC 501A :-)
The Oppo BDP 105 sounds good in my system as a CDP but the 501A is the winner; more refined, better sound stage and bass slam to my liking. Of course the 501A lists for 4X the cost of the Oppo.
what does the 501A retail for?, is it truly balanced or balanced connections?, tell me everything about this player!
I’m not an expert on the Music Culture Elegance 501A CDP, after all I just received mine yesterday (11/21/13).
I believe if you read the following review it will answer all of your questions, I have found that what was said it true and a fair review.
I came across this CDP by accident but it was one of the best things that has happened to me in audio.
Xtreme Fedelity in Fairfield NJ was the US distributer for this German company but no longer. They still have some of these new $4000 CDP’s that they want to move.
It’s up to you to negotiate your best price plus freight. If I were you I would want to pay a lot less then $1900. ;-)
@Lak : Wait for 300 hours and i think you will experiment something really amazing with the MC-501a! Out of the box, it's great, after the burn-in, it becomes awesome.

@audiolab : In France, It's 3990€ retail. Real balanced. For example, the MC-811 only offer balanced inputs...
thankyou Lak and Iblieve, this digital player is on my radar!, who is the u.s. distributer now?