Audio Desk Record Cleaner

Does anyone have info or experience with their new Ultrasonic Vinyl Cleaning System. I believe it retails for $3500. Don
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I just picked up an Audio Desk a few days ago and let me tell you at an early stage I am absolutely loving this thing! I have been a happy, if somewhat tired, user of a Loricraft PRC3 for the past 2 years and a VPI HW-16.5 prior to that. The Loricraft in particular is an excellent machine and if you don't mind hovering over it for long periods of time then is difficult to beat. However, the convenience of the AD just cannot be overlooked.

Allow me to relate my story. I have stacks and stacks of vinyl purchased over the past few years and as-yet-unlistened. The reason? I absolutely insist on cleaning all vinyl new or used for both sonics and preservation of the cartridge - and I find myself less and less able to clean records - what with work and home life with two young children. Within the first 24 hours of owning the AD I already cleaned more vinyl than I had over the past few months with the Loricraft. Listened to a few of the records which had just been sitting there for years and one in particular absolutely knocked me off my socks.

The AD has already changed my listening habits. No longer do I have to plan a cleaning session - I can clean whatever album I choose while tending to other tasks. Heck, I can just choose an album spur-of-the-moment, pop it in the AD while the tubes are warming up and I tend to other matters - then come back to a clean slab of vinyl and warm tubes. It really is a god-send.

Now...I can only hope that all the kinks we read about in the earlier runs have been worked out and I can enjoy many years of headache-free clean records!
I have VPI 17F & Lorricraft PRC4. A real pain to use. Purchased a Audio desk RCM after reading so much raved about the ease of use. it has its disadvantages . 1 of it is that on thin LP, some fluid will be left on the LP due to the non adjustable gap of the plastic slits that u put the LP thru. Hence you will need to air dry thin LPs. However the convenience of use far outweigh such minor issue. Unfortunately after cleaning prob about 120-150 LPs, my RCM developed a problem. It's not able to pump fluid into the reservoir to soak the LP. Looks like Audio Desk has not solve its reliability problem. There were a couple of audio desk purchasers and the 2 in usage , both developed problem. Still waiting for dealer to get back to me to solve the problem which looks like a motor failure to me.
+1 for the KLAUDIO KD-CLN-LP200 Record Cleaning Machine

Too many issues with the Audio Desk Systeme Vinyl Cleaner made in Germany
I too chose the Klaudio machine (no problems heard of from other owners, and nothing more to buy) and am thrilled with the results. I use RO water from my kitchen sink, no additional cost. Dump and refill whenever I think it's time-usually about 50 records. Being located in an adjacent room, I can listen to music while the next LP is being cleaned, a fabulous advantage! And, NO static electricity, major!