Is it possible? A good solution?

Is it a good idea to have the following setup?

Turntable -> Phono -> A/D converter -> DAC with preamp -> power amp

In that case, I can invest in a high quality DAC with preamp function (like Weiss Dac202) and got lots of options in digital area.

The only thing I am worry about is the Analog side...will that DAC somehow change the sound character from the turntable/cartridge?

Or it is simply a stupid idea at all???

The reason is I am aiming to get a high quality dac like weiss dac202 and it contains pre amp function. Everyone is saying CAS is the way to go! :-) With the dac202, I am thinking maybe I can get rid of my existing pre-amp (nagra p-lp). But I have a turntable and I am not gonna get rid of it. So i needa do something about it and thinking a phono and an ADC might be the solution in this scenario.

Based on the suggestions from Onhwy61 and Elevick, it sounds like this idea will only make the whole setup more complicated..and possibly not have a satisfactory result.
The idea sounds interesting enough that it just might work under proper circumstances. I'm just wondering, though, if you might get the worst of both worlds (ie, record noise + digital glare).

I do something like this to digitize my record collection. Tape out from preamp to a/d to computer. Iisten back and hear excellent tunes. No worst of both worlds IMHO.
But why do analog at all? You are chopping up an analog signal to convert to digital. Then, you are hoping to reconstruct that signal, for the most part. What can the benefit possibly be?
Audio is one of those things that really responds well to keeping things simple. Adding additional building blocks in the signal path is rarely a good thing. If you really want to hear analog done right, you keep any additional processing, especially digital processing, as far away from it as you can.