Starting out- a Beatles question

I starting to piece together a budget system, and I really wanted a turn table to be a part of it. In my head I thought it'd be no problem at all to get any Beatles or Pink Floyd album with no issues. When I look on Amazon or Music Direct, looks like only Abbey Road and Dark Side are readily available new. Should I be looking elsewhere?

Is it the case that if you want classic rock type material, you're typically going to have to find them used?

I also listen to a lot of Radiohead and new indie groups, and it seems like getting those albums on vinyl is no problem.

My proposed system so far: My current MMGs, a Clearaudio Concept table, an NAD PP3i preamp, and a TBD amp (solid or tube, under $2500).

the Beatles are one group that it might make more sense to buy in CD form - the recently remastered sets (stereo + mono) get high marks while the vinyl has never been the 'grail' of any audiophiles. you're right about the availability of indie vinyl but, as the previous post pointed out, buying Beatles vinyl means paying a premium that only makes sense if you're a 'collector'.
Try getting the "Love" album that was put together from the original tracks and remastered by the son of the original producer. Sound quality is very good.
YEs, you will pay a premium for original Beatles albums in good shape more for collectability reasons than inherent sound quality.

I have the recent Beatles mono box set and would say that is a very good place to look to get a full BEatles catalog with good (remastered) sound that may be better than many original vinyl issues even.

Or teh stereo box set. Take your pick.

I have not had a reason to pull out the old BEatles vinyl these days anymore since acquiring the box set, even the several prized Mobile Fidelity Sound Labs versions I have.
All the Beatles albums are execellent if you can get a copy that is in good condition. For an original look on eBay for s MFSL Original Master recording of Abbey Road. For a new release absolutey pick up a new copy of the Love album; it is excellent!