audiophilleo 2

Would the audiophilleo 2 be a huge difference in sound quality compared to the highface. Using mac mini, ee minimax dac.
Nkbg: Thanks for the input. I've been living with the AP sans the PP and LOVING it. Two questions: 1) Can I add a PP to a standalone AP2? 2) Is the improvement of adding a PP to an AP2 big?
Devilboy - the word 'big' (improvement) is very relative in this hobby :) I found the improvement to be very worthwile cost wise. The fact that you can do it in stages (first buy a regular AP 1/2 and the add PP) is another bonus.

I'm affraid you will have to send your AP for upgrade as well. They need to make an internal modification to make the PP option work.
I commented on this tread back in July. I ended up buying an Audio-gd, DI-DSP... They made several changes since this thing has been reviewed last. The reviewed models include the old TE7022(adaptive) for USB conversion and a DSP3 processor(jitter reduction). Audio-Gd changed to the TE8022(asynchronous)and updated the processor to a version 3.1. I had only compared it to very inexpensive convertors which it blew away. This past weekend a friend brought over his Wadia 121. Their presentation was similar, the Wadia had a touch more height, the Audio-gd had a touch more width. Tonal balance was similar between the 2, but the Audio-Gd has a nature to it that I'll call analog, a touch richer in the mid range that I really enjoyed. The Wadia was not dry, but in comparison, it leaned that way. Now the bad news, Kingwa has had terrible driver problems with the Tenor 8022 chip developing for Windows 8 and has already discontinued this piece until he has an answer. I use win 8 and indeed, occassionally it will fail, I restart and all is well. Don't know if its worth it for anyone to consider, it is in stock. I'd love to compare it to the Audiophilleo, my instincts are that it would compete well and it is half the price. I have no affiliation with anyone at audio-gd or any hifi company, I have just found this to be a huge value and thought I'd share.

Did you ever do that shootout between the:
Stello U2
Anedio U2
@devilboy, I tried a Vaunix USB hub with an AP2 which brought improvements to mostly bass and mids clarity. Adding the PP added more of the same but expanded the soundstage width, depth and made everything sound bigger. At that time I was using an Anedio D1 and later a Neko D100 DAC. AP2 can be upgraded to support PP.