suggestion for turntable upgrade

currently have an original Linn w/ITTOK arm. Nothing wrong with unit,I have owned it for a long time and getting an itch. In my price range of $2300 there are MMF 9.1, Pro-ject 10.1 and used VPI Classic I. Suggestions? Thanks.
Kiko,to me the Scout and Wow Xl look similar. looks like it will cost about $4500 w/o cartridge
About $1500.00 - $1700.00 off Jimbones,

Wow XL w/RB202 $2895.00 at Gene Rubin Audio online store, brand new.

VPI Industries Classic One mkII w/DV KARAT 17D3 currently selling in Agon for a tad over $3000.00 seems like a better offer if you prefer to buy used. The 17D3 is a giant killer and it pairs extremely well with VPI products.
OK so I ended up purchasing a VPI Classic 2 with the on-the-fly VTA adjustment.
looks like a well made unit and they are in NJ and I live in Y so if I need anything its close.