Dakiom Feedback Stabilizers............

This is the best tweak I have ever come across!, www.dakiom.com , it does less harm to the music than the Bybee's does......... I have these connected to all my components, these are a must have for all music lovers out there.......Richard
Per your post, I went to Circuit City to check out the Tsunami cables. I found the 12-gauge speaker cables but they are made of tin-plated copper strands instead of silver-plated strands. Are you sure the ones you have are silver-plated?
I talk to someone in Car Audio at Circuit City about the Tsunamic Competition Series speaker wire before buying it and they told me that this cable was Silver Plated........Richard
Back to the Dakioms, I had similar results as Tvad. Soe things it did good, improving the sound. But other things it didn't; the recessed midrange and TOO much softening of the sound wasn't as good in my system as the benefits they gave.

One of my issues may have been compatability. I used the RCA Dakiom's with 2 different modified CD players. There may have been an issue with the capacitance added by the Dakiom's.

I used them with a non-mod'd, but older, player. It did sound better overall, but I still noticed the recessed mid's and softness - just to a lesser degree.

I also liked the Bybee's, and even better, Triphasers. But they are both more expensive. I think the Dakiom's ARE worth a try, and they may find a home somewhere in your system. I ended up using them in a "video" system that is only running 2-channel right now. There, the things they do well outweigh the things they don't.

One extra point: hats of to Mr. Kim at Dakiom. He posted my letter there, even though it was a mixed review. That is honest, and I would not hesitae doing business with him at all. He was very communicative and helpful in trying to figure out the issues using them in my system. A true gentleman!

My 2 cents.....

Chams, Tvad, I am not hearing the recessed midrange and the softening sound with the R103, maybe Kim Dao has made some improvements to his R103 feedback stabilizers because I am not hearing these things at all..........Richard
Our systems are different. Simple as that. That's why the Dakioms have to be tried in one's own system to be sure if they're going to be beneficial. The same thinking applies to cables, tweaks, and any other equipment one might consider.