Unplugging / replugging Anti Cables Changes things

I recently had to move my Linn LK140 power amp sideway by 6 inches to make some room. I had to unplug my Anti Cables from the power amp.

When I replug my cables back to the amp, the previous sumptious and open sound of this beautiful cable were gone. Instead, it now sounded congested and somewhat masked.

After over 10 hours of playing, the openness of the previous sound came back a bit, but not fully. I have been playing the amp for well over 50 hrs now, the previous sumptuous open sound of the Anti Cables (when I had over 200 hrs of continuous playing unplugged) never fully returned.

Has anyone experience this strange phenomenon ?
Thanks for the responses.
Shadone: the stiffness of the Anti-Cable speaker wires would prevent me from having an accidental phase shift of the terminals at the amp end. I don't think I have accidentally phase shifted my terminals at the emp end. I did not touch the speaker end at all. Given what you said about sumptuous sound with deliberate phase change, I will deliberately try it.

Plato: I did not put any new instruments next to my amp. I made room for my CD collection next to the amp. I since moved the amp back to its original position.

Mlsstl: After over 25 hrs of reconnecting, the sound has still not come back to the original broken in sound of the Anti Cables.
Since Anti Cables are not shielded, I would explore the changed EMF/RFI theory. Are the cables crossing over other cables now? Exposed to the rear of another component? In closer proximity to a power cable than they were? I would look at your overall physical layout of cables, components, power conditioners etc. and look for potential problem spots. I don't think Anti Cables would be my first choice if the cable environment in the back of my set up were particularly tightly packed with boxes and wires.
If you've changed ANYTHING else, I'd look there first... If you haven't changed anything else, two possibilities exist: 1) You're imagining the change in sound, or 2) The performance of one of the components in your audio chain is deteriorating.

In the case of #1, I simply suggest that you imagine it sounds like it used to; and for #2 (that will be more difficult to track down), but if you use any tube gear maybe a tube or tubes are showing signs of aging/deterioration.

I highly doubt that what you described is the result of plugging and unplugging cables... Normally, a system sounds better after cables are unplugged and then plugged back in (at least in my experience).
Funny one Plato. My audio imagination is not that great when something so obvious is happening.

Knownothing: I will try separating the Anti Cables speaker wire further away from other cables. The power cord is perpendicularly running (90 degree) running across the Anti Cables.
I used anticables in the past. I disconnected them and re-connected them and they never sounded the same again. I only moved them slightly when I disconnected them from the back of the speakers and amp. They never returned to their previous performance even after a substantial time to allow them to settle back in. I never could figure it out. I checked phasing, spade connections etc. You may have to buy another set, but that experience turned me off. One guy suggested to me that I had stressed the connection of the spades to the cable and that could be the problem. There may be something to this since the connection is not the sturdiest.