right angle RCA adapters: will they harm sound?

I have very tight space requirements. I have some stiffer interconnects that I can only make work if I use right angle RCA adapters (I purchased what seem to be high quality ones made by Audioquest). I cannot do an a/b with and without the adapters. What are people's expereince with how these adapters affect sound quality?

Eric, thanks for the helpful answer. If you don't know the brand name, what about the dealer?
Well the obvious answer to this question is...
Your cables were designed to sound a certain way with the connections that were provided.
Adding another piece of metal to the end would alter the manufactures design.

That being said, for certain applications couplers, right angles, adapters are ok. Such as home theater applications.
But, if you are really serious about your music (and I think you are because you asked the question), and you want the purist of sound , no adapter should be used.

My opinion.
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Ozzy --

To be sure this is correct theoretically and probably in actuality too.

What I'm trying to discover is whether -- in practice -- people have been able to discern a meaningful difference in sound quality when using these adapters. My options are to use them, or to go to considerable trouble and expense to switch interconnects.

If people generally report that they haven't really been able to hear a difference when using them, that would be useful to know. Similarly, if people have found that they are problemmatic sound-wise, that too would be useful to know.

Eric, thanks for the dealer name.