Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
question out loud how folks who spend a small fortune on top of the line speakers can even know how good their speakers sound if they have a screwed up room. So, even if one owned time aligned speakers like Vandies or GMAs, all the time alignment in the world will not fix a screwed up room.
(& I have written & said such a thing before too many times to count now). Good to see Bruce echoing the same now.....

here's a cut & paste from a (cheeky) post (cheeky parts scrubbed) from back in 2012 when one Audiogon member started a thread called "Room Treatment made me cry.....a little" - he had discovered the huge benefits of room treatment....

03-26-12: Bombaywalla
Amazing and not expected, at least not this level of improvement and emotional connection.
I'm very happy for you now that you are so emotionally connected to your music during playback. Good job!

........ it's been written & said (if you attend audio shows, informal gatherings at friends' places, dealer's showrooms, etc) that the room is perhaps the most important interface to a music playback system. You could get 1 item each from every Stereophile A list OR TAS's best of the best OR from your favourite audio mag and you could connect those components together in your listening room & you will find that your sonics are not A-list at all; in fact, not even close until you treat your room. You could have trolled the A'gon archives for tomes written on this subject to find that the room is the inital/final frontier w.r.t. playback. Anyway, I/we are happy that you learnt this ......... Enjoy your music...........
Lewinskih01, If I remove the time alignment, imaging and soundstage collapses to a much flatter representation - something I hadn't fully appreciated until I included DEQX in the chain. Recordings which include original acoustics sound quite stunning when DEQX has time aligned all drivers and frequencies

For a three way system + subs you would need to add something like mini DSP for 8 channels as one DEQX unit will only cover 6 channels (ie HDP-4). Use DEQX on the main speakers where the benefits are most significant and another device to time align the subs. Alternatively, leave a passive crossover between treble-mid or mid-bass on the main speakers and use the remaining two HDP-4 channels for the subs

When an initial DEQX measurement is taken, the software will attempt to correct whatever it hears so if there is a passive crossover in the chain and any drivers are out of phase or timing, it will automatically correct that in the calibration it makes. Doing this process outdoors 'anechoically' produces the best results

Subsequent time alignment to subs and then room equalisation will enable you to remove almost all the damage done by your room so whatever speakers you listen to will perform closer to optimum, as Bruce has experienced

Just got a letter to Marc Mickelson of The Audio Beat published, here:

I hope Marc gets around to reviewing the DEQX.

I can't overstate how important and decently priced this piece of kit is for one's audio toolbox. Considering what some are willing to pay for cables and other tweaks, when one considers what the DEQXC can do, it's a no-brainer decision, IMO.

It really seems ridiculous to make a product that requires a rep to get it to work to its best. What about a power outage?

Though I think the product has merit, I will wait for a more user friendlier version.