indoor antenna?

I live in NYC, 4th floor of 4 story bldg, currently using rabbit ears. I am considering Terk TV50, but will also consider anything else. Does anyone have any good ideas/experience?. My bldg. does not allow outdoor antennas.
Does your cable TV carry the FM band? Many do, and for some reason it is a big secret??
Sugarbrie is right, FM carried by cable would probably be your best approach. If not, I've found the FM Reflect carried by ($30) to best DIRECTIONALLY my Fanfare and Dynalabs antennae. So line it up and stick it to the wall.
When I lived in NYC and inquired about FM via cable TV (Time Warner)I was told that it was "discontinued because they never got it to work right". I used a "Silver Ribbon" with some success. It had to be reoriented for different stations. I suppose that was a blessing in disguise as weak signal strength was not as much of an issue as much as multipath was. Living between the Twin Towers (hard to believe they are gone) and the Verrazano bridge made over the air TV reception complete with 7 ghosts for each character (football games looked like riots). Fellow New Yorker's reported that amplified antennas like the Terk made things worse, amplifying superfluous noise. Good luck.
P.S. you may have the legal right to an antenna despite your buildings objections.