Placette Passive Pre

Has anybody had any experience with this unit? If so what were the other components? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.
I agree too. The active Placette does the preamp job with out any significant coloration (just a touch of added sparkle). The passive version is lovely, and fantastic at the price, but I find passives (even the Placette) still don't quite make it. I simply do not concur with the popular wisdom of warming things up with a tube preamp - look elsewhere and remove the problem - adding countervailing distortions is just wrong, wrong, wrong (in my humble opinion of course - I can see the negative votes now).
Has anyone compared the Placette (passive) to the FT Audio passive preamp which retails for approx. $500? The feedback that I keep seeing on the FT Audio product is that it maintains output at the frequency extremes (mainly the bass).
There is a forum for FT Audio here;
There may be owners who actually compared with Placette. I DO own LW-1, but have not heard Placette. Ken
Just went there and it is Dan G's new website. I had been meaning to take a look at it and will join when I get through with the chores today.