Schiit Bifrost plus ESI Juli or Bifrost USB

Hi all,

I recently posted in the Digital section a question about budget USB DACs for an office system. One of the suggestions was the Schiit Bifrost.

Doing some reading about the Bifrost indicates that Schiit considers S/PDIF a superior interface to USB, no surprise I guess. They have a USB input module for the Bifrost which is pretty good, but all the reviews pretty much say it sounds better with S/PDIF input.

Also reading lots of praise for the ESI Juli@ as a sound card. So here's the question: what's the better approach, a great sound card like the Juli@ and a non-usb DAC, or a usb-DAC with a well engineered usb interface?

I know there are some really good usb DACs out there like the Ayre but I'm thinking more in the sub 1K range DACs.

What do you think?

I have a Squeezebox Touch in my main system so most of my music is ripped with DBPoweramp into FLAC files and stored on my PC and also a NAS drive. I use the Squeezebox server software to stream music to the Touch.

I was thinking of getting JRiver for the PC to play my own music and I would also like to use services like Pandora and internet radio from the PC. Any suggestions there would be welcome.
The best solution is the soundcard. $140 and you're done. Just need a dac. No USB interface, usb cable, etc - plus, USB is really a poor way to transmit audio. Start with the soundcard as its sooo cheap.
Given that you use a PC (I use MAC) and your source will consist of ripped CDs and internet radio, then you might go with the soundcard and the non-usb DAC option. With the soundcard you will only need a digital cable and not both digital and USB. Both items should hold value allowing for an inexpensive upgrade path should you chose to take one.

Happy hunting!
Thanks guys for the advice. I think I'll start with a DAC then see how much better the Juli@ is then my "stock" soundcard. I may add a disk spinner to the mix in the office and not being limited to USB will be good.