Looking to get TT

I seeking getting into a first TT and would like help!
My current system is Classe 25 amp, Classe CP-60 pre, Sonic Frontiers SFD-2 D/A, Sonic Fontiers SFT-1 Transprt
and Martin Logan Ascent. My preamp doesn't have phono so I would need phono preamp to hook into my CP-60 so having explained my set and only wanting to spend no mor than $1000 on TT and phono pre can it be done?
Was thinkng going with music hall MMF-5 andCreek OBH-8 as this would be my first TT set up and total cost would be around $700. Is this going to give me many years of good sound? in the future I can go with phono card for my preamp.
RR, the definition of what constitutes "kick-ass LP's" is evidently highly personal. My criteria is rarely as a collector, but primarily as a music lover, and as such I wouldn't care about the Vertigo stuff, whatever it was worth, unless I happened to stumble upon one cheap (but thanks for the educational link). PA undoubtedly has his own definition as well, and I'm sure it wouldn't totally jibe with mine either. Vive la difference, no? (And doesn't this apply a bit in matters audio too?...) I for one would not exactly be surprised if what TWL was reading this hoo-ha with wasn't actually "glee"...Why focus on manufacturing points of contention between us when what's obviously more significant is our similarities? :-)
Zaikes, the deal with the most of the Vertigo stuff is that they are truly great musically that's why they fetch big money.
I personally will not pay the big bucks and have a few that have been reissued that are not swirls, but as you know the first UK editions will sound better. That's why I try to get those instead. I have stated before I am patient in my collecting and always try to get them cheap.
That's why I asked psych if he had any for sale. also tried to focus on our similarities,music and LP's

I do not collect for the sake of collecting I only keep LP's that I love to play, That reminds me I need to go through my collection and weed out those that I don't listen too or at least give them A spin.

A few of the guys from work come over to here my LP's(swirls included) and say its the best music you never heard. I really have lost interest with the modern music you know the stuff the kids listen to (30 and younger) for us, but I still crave some new tunes. So I look to the swirl, and other labels to fill the void. The world is a big place and I always found that the truly great music rarely made it on the radio. Let alone the radio stations I listened to as a kid growing up in Minneapolis.

what I am saying as a music lover Zaikesman you would love most of these lp's but remember they are progressive Rock and folk.
If you only like classical then it will not be your cup of tea. If you like Jethro Tull then you like progressive rock.

Zaikesman, maybe we should let TWL speak for himself about this hoo-ha
Well, I was away from this thread for awhile, and didn't realize my name was being mentioned.

First, I really have no desire to have a pissing contest at my house. My house is a genuine Appalachian log cabin, very small, and no typical amenities that I'm sure you all are accustomed to. I doubt any of you would be comfortable here, although the outhouse isn't too cold this time of year. I carry water in from the spring outside. You get the idea.

Second, I think that most of this is really a moot point. Whatever a person is happy with, is fine for them. The only part that is quesionable about this, is whether the ranting and raving from either side about the preferred type of turntable, is accurate information for others to go by. I certainly have my feelings which are well known to all of you. Many of us like to expound upon the virtues of whatever system we have. This is only natural. I do it all the time. I don't have any problem with others doing it. If it comes down to a shoot-out, may the best TT win. That's all I have to say.

PS - No shoot-out at my house.
No shoot-out- unless it's between you and them dang blame revenoors, huh, Twl! :-)
I lived in a log cabin--no electricity and w/ an outhouse next to the creek! Amenities? A Teres based audio system is spartan? Yeah--right.

Too bad Tom, I found out yesterday my client will not be up and running until Thanksgiving, give or take a few weeks. I only work about 12 hrs a week average nowadays. This week I'll work 50-60, but that's doing some unexpected repair work in my system. I had heard you were kind of a hermit. I understand, my high school was a Benedictian monastery!

I'm setting up a $6-7K system that will rival $25-30K ones* and that my creature on steroids fits in perfectly. Going into a multithousand dollar deck is out of the question and not worth it (because of the law of diminishing returns). I haven't "lived" with one, but I have been *with* them long enough--just like with women!

About the music: contrary to popular belief, most of my collection is not Latin (I am not that old). I have Jade Warrior, Bert Jansch, John Renbourn, Pentangle, Gong, Tull, Renaissance, Anthony Phillips...how about that? As for Jazz, I start with a collection of 20+ Gato Barbieri albums...

*If you don't believe me try the Channel Islands Passive pre-amp ($249). I just got one last weekend. Will give $3-4K preamps a serious challenge. Dusty's goal is to have a $6K setup rival a $30K one--for real.