Technics SP10-Mk2 Rega RB300 Combine

Presently Rega P3 is in my system. A friend suggest me to consider mounting the RB300 arm onto the Technics SP10-MkII tabel which are salvaged from local broadcasting station by some dealer and reconditioned for re-sale. I could not find any documentation on this Technics model. Present and past user friends please advise me if this combination works better than the Rega P£
The Technics is direct drive. It was Harry Pearson's reference table in the late 1970s and was made from then until the mid 80s in one form or another.
Thank you all for the input of information. Someone is offering to sell a used Technics SP10MkII table for $500. Is this a good and reasonable price. I notice that the plate that an arm will mounted to is to be mounted to the plinth by 4 nos. of felix screw is new but the thickness is somewhat much thinner than black top (is it granite, Edle?)
As I said before, take it to a TECHNICS SERVICE CENTER (not an 'authorized' service center). Let them check it out for you. In my case, I got a brand new SL-1200MK2 for $450, plus the Sumiko HSMMT headshell($30), the Cardas tonearm wire ($16), JA Michell Clamp($50), Phoenix Gold interconnects(~$35), and the fluid damper will be $149. An excellent home made isolation platform will be less than $50. A Dynavector, Sumiko, Grado, Audio Technica or Shure would be a good match depending your preferences. You can use Grados on these turntables without fear of hum, if that's your preference.

Remember the Rega's internal wiring is its weakness...