"must have" accessories for TT and LP?

LIke many others I am ready to take the plunge back into vinyl. In scanning the posts it seems that there should be a list of what you veterans whould consider as essential equipment to tune and maintain a TT and record collection. What would you folks suggest for the items on such a list?
1. ZeroStat
2. Record cleaner/cleaning system
3. Stylus Cleaner
4. Record holddown clamp
5. Stable/reliable speed controller
6. Proper mounting hardware and alignment gauge(s)
Wall mounted turntable shelf

As mentioned above, a record cleaning machine (Nitty Gritty or VPI)

Carbon Fiber brush

Rice paper sleeves
Good responses. I would add a bubble level, small mirror strobe disc and light. Test records; there are many fine ones. I like the Radio Shack/Stereo Review model for the test tones. A sound level meter helps also as well as a nice stylus force gauge.