Best cartridge under $450? No Grados please

I've been reading up on the Dynavector 10x5, Clearaudio Aurum Beta S Mk II, Shure v15vxMR and the Ortofon OM 20. I need a cartrdige for my new analog playback system and am looking to stay under $400-450. Anyone heard these cartridges or any others that are great deals in the price range? Have 'table and arm that Grado's might hum on, so cannot accept recommendations on them.Thanks
Seems like you have only a MM phono stage. If you have more gain that can handle a MC low output cartridge, but believe that you can't get a good one in your price category, take a look at a Denon DL103R, DL103S, or DL103D. They are all very good low output MC cartridges that are well under your price ceiling. For your "best cartridge under $450" classification, these have to be considered, although they do need about 65-70db gain in the phono stage.
Ortofon X5MC for about 125 street, or if you hunt you may find a new Kontrapunct B for about 500, or a Kontra A for less than 400.
I'd second the Denon DL-103D. I think it's one of the
great bargains in high end audio. It's available through
Denon USA for about $320. Search this forum or the Vinyl
Forum on and you can find the phone number
for them. I'm using a Lehmann Black Cube SE phono preamp
which works nicely. Because the 103D only outputs about
.23-.25 mv it does require a higher gain phono preamp.
I saw on Ebay Dynavector 20X for $350 new. I think, the same man sells here too.But it was low output MC ;perhaps, he has high output as well,if you need one. What is your current set-up ?