MG-1 Air Bearing Tonearm? Anyone experience it?

This tonearm perked my interest because of its relatively low price, considering it's an air-bearing arm. Does anyone have experience with this arm? I have an OL Silver right now, and am curious if this would offer improvements. Has anyone else tried it?
I don't think that Tom has a lot of experience with linear trackers, let alone air bearing arms. Then again, i don't think that he would mind if you wanted to send him the arm along with another table to set up and check out for free. This would allow him to keep his existing set-up as it is and use it to compare against the new table and arm combo. Having said that, at the cost of buying the stuff and sending it to him, count me out. If i'm spending money on gear, i might as well be the one trying it out : ) Sean

Now listening to: The Mooney Suzuki / Electric Sweat on Redbook
Definitely intriguing. Note that the tonearm has holes rather than slots, seemingly limiting the amount of adjustment possible. Dave
I loved my Maplenoll arm, with the right cartridge nothing images like an air-bearing linear-tracking arm, I never had problems with mine, it was very musical and had excellent bass (a traditional Maplenoll strength). I've been staring at that arm for a while now. Didn't know the headshell was plastic, though. When I click on materials I get Klingon.
Note that you need to have a pump to operate it -- or purchase one extra...
Only one way to find out, and that's try it.
Very good point that the pump costs extra.

Sean is correct about my arm experiences. I've avoided linear trackers because of the air pump issues. Although I hear them on other people's systems, I don't use them on mine.

It's not that I don't like the idea of linear tracking, I do. But I have high humidity levels here, and the pumps, dryers, and me being on solar power don't lend themselves to that type of arm for my application.

I'm very interested in hearing from whichever "guinea pig" tries it out. It might actually be ok.