APL 3910 owners, has anyone tried APL upsampler?

I placed order today for APL 3910 and Alex offered me to install his new upsampler board too. I choose to go with it but I've asked him to have it installed as switchable option.

I wonder if anyone of you heard his upsampler?

I see that a company called Hot Rod Audio Mods is offering an APL clock package for the 3910. Can any of you speak to what relation Hot Rod has to APL? They say that just replacing the 3910's clock with the APL clock is the biggest improvement that can be made to the 3910. Can anyone speak to this. Thanks,

Hot Rod is a division of Verastarr, as far as I understand. You might ask Mike (www.verastarr.com) and/or Alex (www.aplhifi.com) for the scoop.
Pardales, I am sure that Mike from Hot Rod Audio Mods can give a better explanation of why he decided on using my Master Clock.

"They say that just replacing the 3910's clock with the APL clock is the biggest improvement that can be made to the 3910. Can anyone speak to this"

What this means (and Mike can confirm it) is that a Denon 3910 upgraded with fast Op Amp modules, Black Gates, Harris Diodes, Super Clock 3 and other "exotic" parts can not hold a candle to a stock Denon 3910 with JUST my Master Clock installed.

Of course, Hot Rod Audio Mods are friends to APL Hi-Fi and our products are not in any competition.
