Amp for B&W 802N ?

Looking for advise. I have a pair of 802 Nautilus speakers, a Mark Levinson 380S preamp and a Sonic Frontiers tube CD player with a Classe 200 amp. Sound is great but I am wondering if a newer and more powerfull amp would not be more appropriate? Considering a Classe 401... any suggestions?
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Have you considered another Classe 200 and running mono's, I'm considering doing that myself. The 401 is an excellent amp however, either choice would be solid, a used 200 would be less expensive.
Pops.... yes I have considered getting another Classe 200. Do you think the 401 is still a better sounding amp: being "the new and improved version" , than a pair of 200s ? Thanks again to all who have given advice. I am still procrastinating, but getting there. Snooker 14
I don't know, that's a tough question. I really like my CA 200 and I've heard the 401 and it is excellent. How different from mine - I can't comment because I haven't heard it in my system. I think bridged or dual mono in 1 chassis is always better than a stereo amp, it tightens everything up big time. I would go with 2 CA 200's if it were me.