Red Rose R3s vs. Proac 1sc vs. Dynaudio 1.3SE

I'm considering new speakers for my home office. I'd like small speakers with a big sound and don't want to include a sub. Current system: Linn Ikemi, Plinius 8150. I have yet to audition any of the three monitors listed but all seem to claim great sound with solid bass. Recommendations please. Joel
Try the PMC LB1s. I've heard all the speakers you have mentioned and they were the best by a wide margin. I heard the R3s at a show and they were played so softly it was not showing them off properly. Anyways, if it were my money i would not hesitate to go for the PMC LB1s. Look on bryston's website for more info. Thanks
Agree with you Mcne. I recently heard the Red Rose R3's and they were thin, shrill and obviously cut of several different cloths. Very un-impressive indeed. Could have been the set-up--but?
This probably tells you that a home audition is a must when buying a speaker. Sometimes a manufacturer gets it all wrong but can't go back to the drawing board because of cost. I wander if this is happening a lot in the high-end these days.
I would highly recommend the Shamrock Audio Eires..extremely balanced throughout their operating range (38-Hz-20kHz).. they use two excellent ScanSpeak drivers..beautiful construction, including solid wood front baffles and high quality veneers...they have been favorably compared to the Sonus Faber Electa Amators... you get a 30-day money back guarantee if not fully satisfied.. I have successfully used them with various amplifiers both tube and solid-state ... there are audition sites around the can contact Shamrock Audio to see if there is one near you
I heard the Red Rose. In my opinion the tweeter just does not sound as natural as those in some of the other monitors listed.