I need to be wowed

Next month I'll be starting my hunt for new speakers...new to me, at any rate.
And I will be obsessed...

What I've got:
Arcan Alpha 9
Plinius Integrated 2100i
Analysis plus 12's bi-wire
and shortly HT Pro MK2 IC's
and a *DOUZY* of a room:
Oh, that room.I think that's the key....I learned early on how much room interaction plays in sound.

I listen almost strictly to classical music....small ensemble/piano/violin/but yearn for large scale to sound
wonderful too. Also listen to acoustical classical/folk/female singers...

What I want:Tonal quality most important....I tend to like laid back/dark sound but needs to be involving and have intensity...
and oh, yes....they must come in black.
What I don't want: Bright tweeters!

Just for comparison I had wanted to hear some stats but have been told there was no way bipoles could work with
in my room....although someone suggested Innersound Isis ....and Gradient(out of my price range)..
I had also been intrigued for a while by Newforms but the fact that most who own them feel the need to do
mods bothers me....I want to own them....not build them...

Any suggestions will be much appreciated!

Hey Dudette, Any chance we could talk you into hanging a nice plasma screen TV on the wall?
If you're principally into classical, I'm not sure how they'll look in that room (which looks GREAT!) but I'd suggest you listen to the speakers John Marks likes with the Plinius, the Shahinian speakers (Obelisks or other types). Unlike most other speakers you'll hear, but extremely musical and geared, I think, to the classical music lover. Good luck!
Check out the Gershman Acoustic Avant Garde RX 20's - beautiful speaker with great sound - comes in glossy piano black - great for classical music.
Strongly second the Vandersteen suggestion. Every characteristic you're looking for is is a noted strength of the Vandy line. Including the famous black sock.

Should really be at the very top of your list for auditioning.
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