Any small speakers equal in sound to Hales Rev III

I have a pair of Hales Revelation III speakers, which I like, but they are too big, especially when packaged (moving soon). Are there any speakers that are small in stature but of similar sonic quality that are in the approximate price range of the $2100 (new) Hales? Thanks, edh

I would have to disagree with hifiguy RE the 2.9 being a better speaker.

true, it's got a nice bottom end, but it sounds less refined to my ears, with a high end that gets a bit tizzy at higher volumes.
Never heard the Hales, but I have heard and own the Revel M 20s. With a killer pair of stands (not Revels) they are supreme. I love 'em. $2000 list, but can be nicely discounted.
I have a pair of Tyler Linbrooks monitors with external crossovers that go very deep in bass and produce pinpoint imgaging.
Maybe this is too obvious, you could watch for a pair of Transcendence Ones. In case you have not heard them, they are very similar to the Rev. Threes. They have a lot of bass. Before they roll off, the bass is about as potent as the Revelation Threes. The downside is that I believe they really require bass traps and are picky about placement and room size. They also sport better tweeters, a more refined sound, and are a tougher load for amps. Like you would expect.