Alon IVs versus Vandersteen 2CE signatures

Hi folks,
I would love some input on this decision - I am trying to decide between a used pair of alon IVs and a new pair of Vandy 2ce Signatures. I am unable to hear the Alon IVs as they are in another state, but have previously heard, and enjoyed, the 1st gen Alon IIs. My initial impression of the Vandys were that they were vary laid back and smooth (something I like) but had very little "impact", particularly in the bass. The bass was clear and extended, it just did not pack much punch.

My listening tastes are musically split between female vocals (Charlotte Church, Jewel, Jennifer Warnes, etc.)and pop/hip-hop (Nelly, Crystal Method, etc.). In my one listening tests with the Vandys, they were wonderful on the first, but dissapointing on the second. Not sure if the room was the culprit, or if a sub would help add a little oomph.

Any and all input, experiences, or advice would be appreciated.

I have previously heard both speakers and owned a pair of Vandersteens but I would go with the Alons, I consider them one of the nicest sounding speakers I have heard. I couldn't afford them when I wanted them but would have traded my vandy's in a second. Good luck
I own Vandy 2 CE Sigs, and have a mixed response to them. They do female vocal, cello, jazz, and acoustic guitar spectacularly well. Anything electronic, percussive, or punchy (including piano) they do less well. You might need to pick which of your musical preferences you need to serve more substantially. I wouldn't pick them for hip-hop, no way.
The Alon IV's are a great speaker but becareful of room size. They will put out a fair amount of low end. I have driven the with VAC Tube gear and Classe both with favorable results. Tubes smooth through the mid range and tweeter but the Classe really took hold of the bass. Great sound stage deep and wide.
Sometimes the tweeter can get a little zippy.

Good Luck.
Swklein, I am suprised by your assesment of the 2ce Sig's inability to reproduce percussive sounds, I looked at your system and can't find fault anything. I don't know the sound of your CD player or your cartridge. Do you feel that this is the case with both of your TT and CD player? Speakers are dumb as dirt and just reproduce what they are fed.

Yes,Phillip the addition of a Vandersteen 2wq is great but takes some work to set up. The room is always a big factor and it has taken me three years to get my speakers in just the right spot. Changes of 1/2" make a big difference.